9 dangerous disease that can be cured with sex

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, November 27, 2013 0 comments

9 dangerous disease that can be cured with sex - Here are the benefits of sex relation as a natural remedy , but of course this article the benefits of making love to a married friend anehdidunia.com . okay following diseases can be cured by having sex , among others :

1 . treat depression
Sex can be a natural remedy for people who are stressed or depressed . When having sex , the body releases endorphins into the bloodstream and cause a feeling of calm and happy .

2 . treat colds
Other benefits of sex is that it can overcome nasal congestion due to the flu or a cold . Sex can be a natural anthistamin able to facilitate nasal congestion fever symptoms even more .

3 . treat diet
As you well know , having sex requires a lot of energy so it can burn calories that pile up and make you fat . Based on the calorie calculator , the activities of foreplay , the average body will burn 2 calories per minute , whereas after penetration , the average body will burn 6 calories per minute .

But the number of calories burned depends on weight both spouses , how long sex and how does the movement and speed of sexual activity .

4 . Toning the muscles of the body
When someone is having sex , almost all the muscles in the body work . Sexual activity can tighten the muscles of your body that is equivalent to 20 laps swimming sports .

5 . drug beauty
When making love , they produce large amounts of the hormone estrogen . The hormone that makes your skin smooth and shiny hair .

6 . Drugs body odor
The more often you have sex , the more benefits you get . Sexually active body secretes hormones pheromones in large numbers . The hormone that makes the body has a distinctive body odor and unpleasant .

7 . sedative
Sex can repel restlessness and anxiety and is a natural remedy that is ten times more effective as a sedative in medicine valium appeal .

8 . Headache medicine
Sex can relieve headaches by releasing the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain . Migraines or headaches will be much better after you have sex .

9 . drug skin
Sexual activity is also beneficial to the health of your skin and reduce the risk of suffering dermatitis , rashes and black spots on the skin . Sex produce large amounts of sweat that can cleanse the pores and make the skin glow .

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Dengue drug has been found in Indonesia

Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Dengue drug has been found in Indonesia ~ Dengue is indeed one that is quite dangerous disease and if treatment too late , can result in death .This is a disease contracted in many areas in tropical Indonesia , and indiscriminately attacked to various groups , both babies to adults , the poor or the rich .

The disease caused by the bite of aedes mosquito aegypty is characterized by the emergence of high fever and rash on the skin surface . It could also be followed by severe headache , joint pain , nausea and vomiting. The incubation period for the disease ranges from 8-10 days .

We recommend that when the above symptoms occur , the patient is treated immediately so that the condition is not getting worse .

One of the products that can be used to overcome dengue fever is the extraction of propolis ( Propoelix ) which is a natural antibiotic from bees . Remarkably , formulations to overcome dengue fever is found in Indonesia ! Maybe because in Indonesia, including many countries that once plagued by dengue fever yes , so the research is done to tackle the disease in depth .

The results of scientific studies show that the ability of propolis extract can boost the immune system in a relatively short time , even in just a few hours . Propolis extract is proven to be very effective to treat diseases caused by the immune system .

For patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever ( DHF ) , Propolis Extract can increase platelet counts usually tends to fall . This can help speed up the recovery of patients . The use of propolis extract is one new alternative that is safe to use for people with dengue fever in Indonesia postscript is prone to dengue because it is located in the tropics .

Benefits of Propolis Extract ( PROPOELIX )
To Improve your immune system ( Immune Booster )
Propolis has long known to be usefulness to stimulate and improve the effectiveness of the body's natural immunity . Propolis is active , in contrast to antibiotic -made product that actually makes the body become passive so that germs even more resistant .

Antivirus ( Antiviral )
Its content of flavonoids beneficial to fight viruses and bacteria that invade the body so useful as antibiotics alami.Propoelix containing CAPE ( Caffeic acid phenethyl ester ) that protect against inflammation , including inflammation of internal organs .

Can also to reduce the oxidation reactions in the body . The oxidation reaction is the source of degenerative diseases . Levels of antioxidants in the propolis extract , also known as ORAC ( Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity ) of 21 921 , is far greater than the ORAC levels on a regular propolis in the level of 9674 .

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The breakfast menu is good and healthy

Posted by Unknown Sunday, September 8, 2013 0 comments

Breakfast is important to support your daily activities. Without breakfast, you will feel fast, mengatuk, and a variety of other adverse effects that will interfere with your work. Therefore, it is good to start working activities with simple and nutritious breakfast menu.

Breakfast affair, there may be some people who are not fit to eat or breakfast too early, for example, they prefer to have breakfast at 9 am, the moment has to be in the office or workplace. This is not a problem because in addition to providing a healthy diet for your quality breakfast, we also provide some useful tips if you do not have time for breakfast at home.

The following are some healthy foods may be one of your quality of breakfast options. Congratulations breakfast :)

1. Two poached eggs

Poached eggs are the most simple breakfast menu but contains a lot of benefits. Eggs are a type of protein that will make a full stomach in a long time. You can eat egg whites only, or can also make omelets mixed with spinach, tomatoes, and low fat cheese.

2. Tuna sandwich

This menu can be one the best breakfast option. Replace butter with cheese or tuna and low fat mayonnaise. Fatty tuna is a source of omega3 which plays an important role in cognitive function. Eating foods high omega3 sources will not only keep you focused, but it also helps you lose weight.

3. brown rice

If you want to eat rice, you can replace white rice with brown rice. Fiber content of brown rice will make a full stomach in a longer time. In some areas in Indonesia, rice is very easy meras get the morning, there are special vendors that provide meras rice with a variety of menu creation, if you are around the brown rice is very easy to find, have breakfast with this menu.

4. High calcium milk and low-fat

Saiapapun important to know that the milk is consumed at breakfast, but make sure you know its contents. Instead, choose milk that contains high calcium and low in fat because of calcium and vitamin D in milk is very important to help you lose weight. It's good at breakfast time, you consume milk than coffee, if you are indeed coffee connoisseur, you can defer up to drink coffee at work.

Do not forget to complete your healthy breakfast menu with soy milk.

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10 Pregnancy Symptoms are rarely known

Posted by Unknown Saturday, April 6, 2013 0 comments
10 Pregnancy Symptoms are rarely known ~ Most women are still difficult to know the early signs of pregnancy. As a result, excessive learned that she was expecting after a few weeks or even months. It actually harm the baby. Nausea in the morning as a symptom of pregnancy, would have been widely known. What about the other symptoms? In fact, the fetus needs attention since it was first present in the mother's womb. Knowing the signs of pregnancy not only missed a period.
  • Vision problems
Added Vision hormone problem causing dry eyes, itchy - itchy and uncomfortable for women who use contact lenses. This is due to the buildup of fluid that causes corneal swelling. To make it more comfortable, limit the time working at the computer and eye wash more often.
  • Breast Pain
This may be the first symptom that will be experienced, even before menstruation stops. Your chest will be ready early for the birth of the child, and may feel soft to the touch. Your cleavage will also look wider during pregnancy.

  • Thick hair
Many pregnant women will hair shiny and more dense. Not only limited to head hair, but hair on the entire body. But do not worry. Hairs that grow a lot in the body during pregnancy will fall off by itself after childbirth.

  • Bleeding gums
Bleeding gums is common in pregnancy. It's important to maintain oral hygiene during pregnancy. Regularly examine your oral health.

  • Frequent urination
If you often wake up suddenly in the middle of the night to urinate, this being one of the common signs of your pregnancy chances.
  • Forget
Maybe you've heard the term "pregnant brain" but it becomes not funny when you experience it for yourself. Repeat the conversation and forget the end of the sentence itself, is one of the symptoms that may be experienced.
  • Black spots on the skin
When you are pregnant and spend time in the sun, you may get dark patches on the forehead or on other body parts. The symptoms are known as chloasma or melasma and is often referred to as the "mask of pregnancy" and is caused by hormones that disrupt the skin pigmentation. It is not dangerous, but it looks flashy so may interfere with performance.

  • Rigid in the hand
Other symptoms that occur during pregnancy are experiencing stiff hands when I wake up. This is because the pressure pulse, so you feel like needles and can not feel his own hand. Although it was not uncomfortable, but just like the other symptoms, the symptoms will disappear after delivery.

  • Stomach feels hot
Abdominal pain feels heat is common to every woman who was pregnant, especially in the late months of pregnancy. It is often triggered by eating or drinking before bed. Make sure always take antacids (stomach acid neutralizing drugs) wherever you go.

  • Constipation
Although it is embarrassing to talk about, constipation is not something funny and can cause discomfort and extreme pain during pregnancy. If the basic principles to eat fibrous foods and drinking water does not work, you can ask for a prescription laxative.
Nb: The above symptoms do not always occur in every woman, and if you suffer from any of these symptoms while pregnant does not mean you will not experience it again. Experienced any symptoms, make sure your body back to normal after you give birth.

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