Rheumatism Can Cause Blindness For Teens

Posted by Unknown Saturday, March 16, 2013 1 comments
Rheumatism Can Cause Blindness For TeensBeware, Rheumatism Attacking Children caused Disability and Blindness Could Do not take a joke when someone says your child got rheumatism. There are at least two reasons for that. First, it could be arthritis in children. As experienced Christina. Elementary School sixth grade pupils were initially often complain of pain in his knee. Initially it was thought to result penchant girl was 12 years old playing football ala Captain Tsubasa. Later, doctors call it rheumatism. Then the second reason? Because of arthritis in children can be fatal.

Three Types of Arthritis Teens
Rheumatism (arthritis) is a popular term to describe a variety of disorders that cause pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. Besides attacking adults, arthritis also affects children under the age of 16. One type is the famous juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The disorder occurs in the connective tissue in the joints accompanied by pain, inflammation and stiffness (limitation of movement of the affected part).

Dr. Bambang Setiyohadi, a specialist in internal medicine and arthritis of Rheumatology Subdivision, Section of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, include type of juvenile arthritis into three groups: oligoartikular rheumatism, arthritis poliartikular, and systemic arthritis.
  1. Rheumatism OligoartikularRheumatism is attacking little joints or about four large joints (eg ankle, shoulder). In the United States, this type of arthritis common in children under five years and then settled into adulthood.
  2. Rheumatism PoliartikularThis disease affects more than four joints or small joints such as the wrist, knee, elbow and thigh. Another problem that was attacked a couple joints on one side of the body. For example, if initially the affected joints left knee and right knee joint was exposed. This species is only attacked five children, whose immune systems are still not optimal.
  3. Systemic RheumaticAbnormalities in arthritic joints is often not how. The dominant fact of high fever. Although given antibiotics or fever-lowering drugs, still stubborn. In addition, there will be patches of redness on the arm, leg, chest, abdomen, and the rib cage area. Patients will also be loss of appetite, weight loss, and anemia.
    Gravity, all of these trigger disturbances in the whole system in the body. '' As a result, other organs, such as the heart and liver, experiencing inflammation and swelling as well,'' said Bambang, who also practiced at Cipto Mangunkusumo Medistra RS and RS Pondok Indah this.

Cause Disability and Blindness
The cause of juvenile arthritis is a disorder of the immune system of sufferers. There was also the influence of genetic factors (heredity) is exacerbated by the environment. For example, the child has a collision, children do not receive adequate treatment on arthritis, etc.. This led to chaos in the child's immune system.

In addition to pain, symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis early can hardly be predicted. You see, the child will feel severe pain in the joints, especially in the morning and waking. This is due to swollen and stiff joints so painful when moved.

This disorder, according to Bambang, be sustainable if it is not immediately anticipated. And, of course, fatal consequences. At first, only joint swelling or inflammation. If left untreated, bone damage will occur. To watch, it can make permanent disability if not promptly detected and treated adequately.

'' Deformity of the joints had turned into damaged or bent. As a result, children will be disabled, "said Bambang. Not only that, children who suffer from rheumatism oligoartikular also tend to have inflammation of the eye that can end up with blindness. To be sure, it is necessary examination ophthalmologist. Now you agree, arthritis in children was not a joke?

Overcoming Arthritis in Children
Rheumatism in children and adolescents actually could not be cured. Can only be alleviated or controlled. Just like diabetes. There was never recovered a verdict for the sufferer, there blood sugar levels are well controlled. Because they can not be cured, arthritis can relapse at any time without predictable and preventable. So, what efforts should be done?

  1. Be Watchful
    Once the child suspected of having arthritic symptoms, immediately take it to the appropriate physician to obtain adequate treatment. Never underestimate act or procrastinate.
  2. Physiotherapy
    Therapy is provided so that children can walk normally. At first glance it looks painful. No wonder many parents who do not have the heart to send children to live. However, according to Bambang, this therapy should be done so that the child is not disabled.
  3. Anticancer Drugs
    The drug is not as sordid as its name. The goal is improving your child's immune and prevent the destruction of the joints. According to Bambang, as given in small, controlled doses, these drugs are relatively safe.

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Top ten causes of heavy bleeding during menstruation (menorrhagia)

Posted by Unknown Thursday, March 14, 2013 0 comments
Top ten causes of heavy bleeding during menstruation (menorrhagia) ~ Some women may experience what we feel is unusually heavy bleeding during menstruation. Sometimes we often wonder if uterine bleeding is normal or not (heavy menstrual bleeding / menorrhagia).

Then how do we know that we have experienced, including bleeding is not normal? The easiest way is by recording how often we change pads or tampons. A person diagnosed with menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding), if during the period, must often mangganti pads more than 1-2 hours once, or if the whole week we had a lot of bleeding.

  1. Hormonal imbalance during adolescence or menopause is the most common cause. At the time of adolescence after menstruation for the first time, and a few years before the onset of menopause, hormone levels are fluctuating which can result in severe bleeding. Therefore, it is often possible to treat menorrhagia caused by hormonal imbalances with birth control pills or other hormones.
  2. Fibroid tumors of the uterus. Please note that fibroid tumors are benign and usually occurs in their 30s or 40s yearly. Until now the cause is not clear. Some operations are available for treating fibroid tumors from myomectomy, endometrial ablation, uterine artery embalization, and uterine balloon therapy as well as hysterectomy. Non-surgical treatment of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (GnRH), oral contraceptives, androgens, RU486 or mifepristone abortion pill one type, and gestrinon. GnRH agonists are drugs that work against GnRH in the brain. While some women claim to natural treatments more effective. Once menopause occurs, the tumors usually shrink and disappear without treatment.
  3. Cervical polyps. Polyps are small, growing on the surface of the cervical mucosa, or the endocervical canal and protrude at the mouth of the cervix. The cause is not yet clear, but often due to infection and is associated with abnormal response to increased levels of estrogen or obstruction of blood vessels in the cervix. Most women who suffer from cervical polyps is 20 years old and have had children. Usually treated with outpatient treatment.
  4. Endometrial polyps. He is not cancerous, grow and stand out on the surface of the uterus. The cause is not clear, yet its presence is often associated with excess levels of estrogen or some types of ovarian tumors. Treatment is done by hysteroscopy and D & C. A pathology lab will be found polyp status, whether or not lead to cancer.
  5. Lupus disease. Lupus is a chronic inflammation in multiple parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood and kidneys and autoimmune disease. The Lupus Lupus is believed to have a genetic predisposition. Scientists believe that environmental factors, infections, antibiotics (Penicillin and Sulfa), UV light, severe stress, hormones and drugs trigger the symptoms of Lupus. Symptoms among patients and the other varies, as do the treatments stress to the treatment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or NSAIDS, acetaminophen, steroids, antimalarials cytoxic or immunosuppressive drugs, and anticoagulants.
  6. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of one or more organs that affects the uterus, fallopian tubes, and cervix. PID is often caused by a sexually transmitted infection. PRP treatment is recommended is antibiotic therapy.
  7. Cervical cancer. Appears when cells in the cervix become abnormal and multiply out of control and destroy the body parts healthy. Almost more than 90% of cervical cancer is caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV). Treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
  8. Endometrial cancer. Women convicted of endometrial cancer, usually over the age of 50 years, had endometrial hyperplasia, or frequent use of hormone replacement therapy (hormone replacement therapy). The first treatment for removal of the uterus (hysterectomy), possibly followed by chemotherapy or radiation.
  9. Intrauterine devices (IUDs). Women who use IUDs risk of bleeding during menstruation. When this happens immediately replace IUD contraceptive methods other matches.
  10. Bleeding disorders. If bleeding is difficult to stop arising. The most common types of bleeding disorders, von Willebrand Disease (VWD).

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7 Food is good for men's health Sperm

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7 Food is good for men's health Sperm ~ Did you know that the criteria for a healthy sperm outline determined by the absence of normal physiological anatomy, quantity, and quality in mobile search and the ability to penetrate the egg.

Dr. Keith-Thomas Ayoob, EdD, RD, FADA, a nutritionist at the American Council for Fitness and Nutrition, said that to attain a healthy sperm and quality, the essence lies in the smooth flow of blood in our body.

To maintain blood flow to remain smooth and stable manner cultivated normal blood pressure is not high and not an artery becomes blocked. It required intake and eating right. Dr. Ayoob had chosen us about 7 super foods that are very good for the health of sperm, it's the list:

Salmon fish meat is rich in Omega-3 are useful to reduce LDL cholesterol levels. In addition, fish meat Salmon also contains protein-protein energy sources "menggeber" sperm swimming speed and strength. In the wild, salmon known as ocean explorers and toughness in taking a rushing stream in the opposite just to breed in fresh water. Generally less than the return of salmon to the sea in a state still alive, they die soon after mating in freshwater. These properties are very similar to the life of human sperm.

Watermelon or similar is very rich in potassium which is useful for preventing high blood pressure, but that he was also enriched with the antioxidant lycopene. Normal blood pressure will help facilitate sperm swim toward the egg.

Just like Watermelon, Tomato Lycopene also rich in antioxidants that are useful for healthy prostate and prevent prostate cancer. A healthy prostate will help also produce sperm-sperm healthy and strong swim.

Low-fat milk and yogurt are rich in Calcium and Potassium. Both are very useful in maintaining normal blood pressure and helping to keep an artery to keep it open smoothly. Although sperm are healthy and strong, but he still does not move when a channel that has obstructed path.


Almost all types of berries are rich in antioxidants that are very useful healthy artery. Would be great if you consume is not just one type of berries alone, consume the mix. Today many diverse berries found on the market that you can consume, such as Strawberry, Blueberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Cranberry, until fruit wine red, black, green is still the kind of berries.

Nuts are rich in minerals, consuming at least half a cup of nuts every day will reduce blood pressure by 8-10%. Nuts are also useful to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body and blood sugar spikes. Diverse kinds of nuts, such as soybeans, green beans, red beans, peanuts, beans, etc..

WHEAT (oatmeal)
Just like peanuts, wheat contains a lot of fiber so good for digestion and efficacious in reducing cholesterol.

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Specific Tips for Healthy Sperm Men

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Specific tips for healthy sperm men ~ Which means the sperm cells of living things is the cell of the male reproductive system. Maintaining the health of sperm is very important for couples who want to want a baby.

Like the egg, sperm condition determines the level of fertility. One characteristic of healthy sperm is if the number reached 20 million per milliliter, as quoted Methods Of Healing.

There are some specific tips for healthy sperm men, as follows:

1. Sport
When your body is always in good condition, the amount of content you would be a good sperm. Maintaining the condition of the body can be done by applying regular exercise.

exercise is highly recommended to maintain the quality of your sperm is to run a small run of at least 30 a day.

2. Ejaculation

Set the time of ejaculation. Wait till three days to ejaculate again. Ejaculating too often can worsen the quality of sperm.

3. Nutritionally balanced
With proper nutrition, a grown man can maximize the quantity of sperm. Avoid spicy foods. Increase consumption of vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and seaweed. Also fruits such as tomatoes, watermelon, guava, and red wine.

4. White Water

There was no organ function was normal when the body is short of water. Under conditions of dehydration due to lack of fluids, sperm-producing hormone production is inhibited. Ideal dose, consume at least eight glasses of water per day.

5. Healthy lifestyle
In addition to nutrition, health is also affected sperm lifestyle. For the quantity and quality of sperm are excellent, avoid stress, avoid smoking and consuming alcohol. Such bad habits that can damage sperm quality. Use of pants that are too tight also worsen the quality of sperm.

6. Making love in the morning

This habit is often used as a trick to speed up having a baby. When I wake up in the morning, sperm production is at the highest level.

7. Ideal weight
Excess weight can affect sperm. Choose the best diet to support health care quality improvement sperm.

Decrease in sperm count can happen for a number of reasons. In addition to wearing pants too tight habits, infections in the body also can reduce the quantity and quality of sperm. It became important to consult a doctor because of the consumption of certain types of drugs are also often affect the quality of sperm

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Breakfast Healthy Drink Recipes

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, March 6, 2013 0 comments
Breakfast Healthy Drink Recipes ~ Nothing beats the convenience of grabbing a health drink from the fridge on your way to work. Breakfasts are the most important meal of the day, but with busy schedules it’s usually the first thing to go out the door when we are getting late. Hence, the sheer convenience of health drinks is that you don’t have to spend time thinking about what to cook or time in preparation—nutrition is just at the tip of your fingers. I’m not so big on commercial energy drinks or health drinks, I much prefer to make a concoction of my own the night before and keep it in the fridge overnight. That way it stays fairly fresh and is nice and cool first thing in the morning.

There are a couple recipes that I find work well for me, but if you’re not a big fan of leafy greens and gourds, then you might want to alter the recipes just a bit. These recipes work pretty good and require little to no preparation. I’ve not come up with all of them on my own, some were born from the advice of friends, others by Google research, and yet others by personal experimentation. This is a good and simple place to start, though, and later you can figure out what works best for you. The ingredients that I feel most comfortable about using are the ones that contain natural anti-oxidant qualities. It’s the perfect way to start your day!

Quick Apple and Celery Drink

  • 2 apples with the skin
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 stalk of celery
Put all these into the blender or juicer. Blend till it becomes a juice form, then pour it into a cup and drink. Health drinks such as this one are best drunk in the morning so that their healing effects can cleanse your entire system. This particular recipe has a dual use. Aside from helping to fight cancer and reduce cholesterol it also helps to improve headaches and stomach pains.

Apple and Ginger Drink

  • 4 carrots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 /4 inch of ginger
  • A handful of parsley
Put all these into the blender or juicer. Blend till it becomes a juice form, then pour it into a cup and drink. If you’re someone who is a diehard health freak then adding a clove of garlic into the brew is enormously healthy as well. It was in the original recipe, but personally, considering the before office hours I’ve never been brave enough to try it! But if you do, let me know what it tastes like. The garlic and parsley in this drink provide you with loads of antioxidants.

Leafy Green Spinach Drink

  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 /2 a spinach bunch
  • 2 carrots
Put all these into the blender or juicer. Blend till it becomes a juice form, then pour it into a cup and drink. A dash of sweetener can also be included to make the drink more palatable, or you could try adding an orange or 1 /4 of an apple to be more nutritious. I know the blended spinach part sounds intense, but trust me, spinach is filled with antioxidants that help to keep your cholesterol at healthy levels. And besides, it really doesn’t taste as bad as it looks. 

Cooling Watermelon Drink

  • 1 medium-sized broccoli floret
  • 1 small bunch of kale
  • 2 slices of watermelon cut into pieces
Put all these into the blender or juicer. Blend till it becomes a juice form, then pour it into a cup and drink. Each of these ingredients, again, is high in antioxidant content and damages free radicals.
Okay, I bet by now you are slightly disgusted with all this “healthy” drink talk. But, really, it doesn’t taste so bad if you are brave enough to try it. The nutritional benefits far outweigh the unpleasantries and I’m sure it won’t be long before you’ve found a vital supplement to morning coffee! Breakfasts are not worth skipping altogether, because doing so can land you with a heap of health problems.
I find that personally health drinks are the way to go as far as breakfast is concerned. Another health drink that is fairly nutritional is this brand called Ensure. Ensure drinks are pretty rich in vitamins and protein. However, I would only recommend them as breakfast drinks for those trying to maintain or lose weight, and as snack drinks for those trying to gain weight.

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Most Heart Disease Can be Prevented

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most heart disease can be prevented ~ Coronary heart disease is the number one killer, worldwide, of men and women over the age of 60.  But people of all ages succumb to heart attacks each year. And while death rates have declined in the U.S. and many western European countries, mortality is on the rise in the developing world.  Yet most heart disease is preventable. 
No one would have guessed that Barbara Teng would have a heart attack.  She was not overweight.  She did not smoke.  But she also did not exercise.
“In 2004, the week after I turned 49, when I was on a business trip in Chicago, I had a major heart attack," she said. 
And that changed her life. She now exercises daily, monitors her heart health, and speaks at events held by Sister to Sister, a heart health program for women. Susan Gurley, the organization's director, says the message is urgent.
"Heart disease is 82 percent preventable and it is the leading cause of death for women," she said.
It's also a leading cause of death for men. The World Health Organization reports that more people die each year from heart disease than from any other cause. WHO says more than 60 percent of deaths from cardiovascular disease take place in low and middle-income countries. It says the heart disease pandemic is on the rise. 
Dr. Patrice Desvigne-Nickens is with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. She says the key to staying healthy is knowing your numbers. 
"Your weight, your blood cholesterol, blood sugar and your blood pressure are important numbers that can help you take action and reduce your risk," she said. 
She says a healthy lifestyle can prevent heart disease. 
"And the steps to take are simple: don’t smoke, maintain a healthy weight, exercise, know your numbers and talk to your physician and control these risks," she said. 
African-Americans are at higher-than-average risk for heart disease and stroke, according to Dr. Michelle Magee. 
"There's a very high prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension and also unrecognized hypertension so people don't even know they have it, which increases the risk for heart disease and stroke," she said. 
In the nation's capital,  Medstar Washington Hospital Center is trying to reach this population - like at this opening of an outreach program at a Washington barber shop.  Neighborhood barbers develop relationships with their clients. With the right training, they can play an important role in community health....for example helping their clients monitor their blood pressure.   
These programs operate on the premise that if people realize they are at risk for heart disease, they'll make lifestyle changes: lose weight, exercise, eat the right foods and keep in touch with a doctor.  

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Almost Every day Toxins Harmful Chemicals into the Human body

Posted by Unknown Saturday, March 2, 2013 0 comments
Almost every day toxins harmful chemicals into the human bodyNot aware of our body is like a sponge that absorbs the toxins that were scattered in the environment around where we are. Like it or not these toxins in our body and the effects on our bodies. There is a direct impact can be felt by our bodies, and others take a long time to show the negative effects. When problems of health or disease arising, then it was too late and we can only try medication to treat it.

Let's see where it comes from chemicals that have adverse health effects comes into our bodies:

1. Food and Beverages Us

Perhaps we do not realize that there are lots of food and drinks around us that have been contaminated by chemicals that are not good for our health. Examples such as food preservative formalin containing organisms, vegetables containing pesticide pest murderer, foods that have been fortified vitamin and mineral, chemical treatment, and so on. Aroma chemicals, dyes, artificial flavorings, acidity regulator, sweeteners, and some are very easy to find in the food and drink at this time.

2. Air we breathe

With the increasing number of vehicles on the road, more industrial and closer to us, more air conditioners installed in several buildings, the traditional waste incineration, and enrich the air with air pollution. The problem is to always breathe by taking air in nature, so that chemicals entering our lungs dal.

3. Addictive Substances

People sometimes are poisoned with things that can make an addiction. Addictive substances usually find that every day is like drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and other. Illicit goods will spread harmful chemicals in our bodies that could have negative impacts felt in the long term. Maybe at first it is only just want to know, but the result of the effects of opium is very large, then a user be true is difficult to stop.

4. We Appliances

Body care supplies containing chemical substances (for example, shampoos, soaps, scrubs, cosmetics, toothpaste, etc), eating utensils that are not standard for the food (for example, as melamine tableware, lower quality covered, paper / plastic, etc.), all of which contain chemicals that can penetrate into the human body for use.

5. Electromagnetic waves and radiation

Electromagnetic waves are increasingly milling around us. These waves used for human communication, the media, among others. There are radio waves, television waves, waves Wi-Fi, WiMAX wave, a wave of mobile phones, and others. Some researchers argue that certain waves can be bad for our health. In addition, there are indirect radiation can damage our health as cell phone radiation, solar radiation, etc..

For healthy always, we should always try to avoid exposure to toxic chemicals above. Avoidance is one of the best ways to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals in our environment. Start learning and practicing a healthy lifestyle in their daily lives is something that is very important to avoid things that can harm the health of themselves and the people around us.

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Best way to prevent contracting sexually transmitted diseases

Posted by Unknown Friday, March 1, 2013 0 comments

Best way to prevent contracting sexually transmitted diseasesThere are many diseases caused by having sex or sexual intercourse with an infected person sexually transmitted diseases (pms). Although people who have sex with us to look healthy and not showing any symptoms, can still be in the body contains the seeds of a venereal disease that is ready to infect us without us knowing. There is no safe way to avoid STDs from sex is not healthy.

Some examples of diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse with another person is like hiv aids that damage the immune system that can accelerate our death and have not found a cure, klamida which can cause infertility, gonorrhea can also make a person infertile can not have children, HPV create full genital warts and lead to cervical cancer, and others.

God is wise because it gives punishment to those who do not obey the commandments although sometimes innocent people also participated in contracting. This is not because we should be concerned with the deviation sexual behavior in the environment around us, so as to avoid the things that could potentially transmit disease caused by unhealthy sex.

There are several effective and surefire way to avoid / prevent transmission of STDs aka sexually transmitted disease ourselves:

1. Not Doing Sex Before Marriage

Avoid all forms of sexual contact with another person is essential for maintenance of our holiness. That way we are going to remain a virgin / virgin until married someday. Legitimate partner we would be very happy because we were able to get themselves maintain that purity can be sterile from sexually transmitted diseases are very easily transmitted through the exchange of sexual fluids through sex of affairs.

2. Just a Couple Doing Sex with the Legal (husband / wife)

Being faithful with a partner is very important. If we are unfaithful, and then have sex with other people, then we might have contracted a sexually transmitted disease or venereal disease. Then it is possible of sexually transmitted diseases that we idap Spread us back to our beloved husband or wife. And it's not impossible children and other family members helped us idap contracting the disease.

3. Before Married Same-Same Health Check

Cara Terbaik mencegah tertular penyakit menular seksual ~ That we believe conjugal relationship that will be done will not result in transmission of sexually transmitted diseases each other it helps both parties consciously jointly conduct health checks of various diseases and health problems. That way will be able to know the health condition of each, and if a problem can be overcome before the wedding took place. After marriage there is no backbiting and bickering if both parties are equally suffering from venereal disease.

4. Choosing a Husband / Wife Devoted to We

This is a very important thing that determines our success in protecting ourselves and our families from venereal disease. Without the participation of our husband or wife in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases then what we are doing can be a futile and ultimately contracting venereal diseases that produce extraordinary suffering both physically and spiritually. Avoid choosing a husband or wife who likes to cheat and who like to use the services of prostitutes or even like to become a prostitute.

5. Inviting Others to Do the Same Things

If the people around us morally corrupted resulting in promiscuity aka sex, then our task is to awaken them to leave it at his own consciousness and not because of coercion from any party. If many people around us who are exposed to sexually transmitted diseases, it is not something that is not likely to be infectious to us who are less concerned with others in ways that we do not expect. Therefore we should be concerned with what is happening around us are.

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Weak Heart Disease

Posted by Unknown 3 comments

Weak Heart Disease ~ Here is information Weak Heart Disease. A weak heart muscle. It is a congenital abnormality. A weak heart muscle can not make people do excessive activity, because the imposition of excessive cardiac performance will cause pain in the chest, and sometimes can cause the body to appear bluish. People with weak heart muscle is easy to faint.

The gap between the right atrium and left the porch, because of incomplete formation of a separate layer between the second platform when the patient is still in the womb. This causes the blood clean and dirty blood mixed. This disease also makes people unable to perform strenuous activities because of severe activity almost certainly will make the patient's body turned blue and shortness of breathalthough not cause pain in the chest. There are also variations of the disease, namely a person really only has one porch

Heart disease is very scary, because the disease is considered to be one killer in the world. A healthy heart is the desire of every human being. We need to rest, eat healthy foods and exercise regularly in order to have a healthy heart.

But if the heart is weak, we must remain vigilant. Here I will give information about heart disease and how to cure weak.

Heart failure is a condition where the heart can not pump sufficient amount of blood to the limbs. The cause of this disease include; function of the damaged heart, high blood pressure, anemia, cardiac filling weakness, impaired heart beating.

Symptoms The signs of people with this disease include; fatigue, enlarged liver and heart, swollen, enlarged abdomen.

Treatment weak heart can be healed by; reducing physical activity, reducing salt.

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