7 Food is good for men's health Sperm

Posted by Unknown Thursday, March 14, 2013 0 comments
7 Food is good for men's health Sperm ~ Did you know that the criteria for a healthy sperm outline determined by the absence of normal physiological anatomy, quantity, and quality in mobile search and the ability to penetrate the egg.

Dr. Keith-Thomas Ayoob, EdD, RD, FADA, a nutritionist at the American Council for Fitness and Nutrition, said that to attain a healthy sperm and quality, the essence lies in the smooth flow of blood in our body.

To maintain blood flow to remain smooth and stable manner cultivated normal blood pressure is not high and not an artery becomes blocked. It required intake and eating right. Dr. Ayoob had chosen us about 7 super foods that are very good for the health of sperm, it's the list:

Salmon fish meat is rich in Omega-3 are useful to reduce LDL cholesterol levels. In addition, fish meat Salmon also contains protein-protein energy sources "menggeber" sperm swimming speed and strength. In the wild, salmon known as ocean explorers and toughness in taking a rushing stream in the opposite just to breed in fresh water. Generally less than the return of salmon to the sea in a state still alive, they die soon after mating in freshwater. These properties are very similar to the life of human sperm.

Watermelon or similar is very rich in potassium which is useful for preventing high blood pressure, but that he was also enriched with the antioxidant lycopene. Normal blood pressure will help facilitate sperm swim toward the egg.

Just like Watermelon, Tomato Lycopene also rich in antioxidants that are useful for healthy prostate and prevent prostate cancer. A healthy prostate will help also produce sperm-sperm healthy and strong swim.

Low-fat milk and yogurt are rich in Calcium and Potassium. Both are very useful in maintaining normal blood pressure and helping to keep an artery to keep it open smoothly. Although sperm are healthy and strong, but he still does not move when a channel that has obstructed path.


Almost all types of berries are rich in antioxidants that are very useful healthy artery. Would be great if you consume is not just one type of berries alone, consume the mix. Today many diverse berries found on the market that you can consume, such as Strawberry, Blueberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Cranberry, until fruit wine red, black, green is still the kind of berries.

Nuts are rich in minerals, consuming at least half a cup of nuts every day will reduce blood pressure by 8-10%. Nuts are also useful to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body and blood sugar spikes. Diverse kinds of nuts, such as soybeans, green beans, red beans, peanuts, beans, etc..

WHEAT (oatmeal)
Just like peanuts, wheat contains a lot of fiber so good for digestion and efficacious in reducing cholesterol.
title: 7 Food is good for men's health Sperm
Written By : Unknown
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